Friday 10 May 2013

Exam Evaluation

When I first chose my brief of packaging for this 'Covert and Obscured' theme I first started to look on google for different packaging artist. From this research I found many photographs of product packaging and started to gain lot of inspiration, however I was really stuck as I couldn't come up with many unique initial ideas. After looking at more packaging and trying to explore the theme of covert and obscured packaging was when I then started to sketch and create ideas for ways I could create a product packaging to relate with the theme. I feel that my idea for my final piece relates well to the theme of covert and obscured because the way I want to package fruit is new and unique as I have never seen fuit packaged in a luxury confectionary packaging. I decided to do this because mainly unhealthy products such as chocolate and sweets are normally packaged in very luxury packaging, and healthy products such as fruit are packaged in a simple way.  

Recording observations
• What methods have you used to record observations using both primary and secondary sources.

Idea development
• Briefly discuss your ideas - why did you not develop some of these further?
• Describe the development of your final ideas - what did you change and why?
• Choose one example to explain in depth.

Materials, Techniques and Processes
• Which materials, techniques have you used in your sketchbook and/or mounted sheets for this project? 
• Which techniques did you use to develop and realise your ideas? e.g. Photoshop, drawing, paper cuts? etc.
• Did you encounter any problems?
• Did you have to adapt your ideas because of the constraints of the materials or techniques?

Throughout my research I got influenced by many different packaging and artists.
Most of my influences came from Unknown artists packaging that I did try to research, but couldn't find out much information about them.

• Which artists/designers have you been most influenced by? Explain how?
Even though a lot of my inspiration came from images of google, I also was inspired by different packaging artists early on in the project. 

• Refer to at least one particular image which has been the most important. Link it with your own work and comment on the context in which it was made.

Final Piece
• What do you intend to make for your final piece?
• How resolved are your ideas? Explain narrative and meanings.
• Explain how you intend to use materials and techniques, formal elements, showing influences of other artists, etc.

At the start of the project I did find the exam theme really difficult and did even regret my choice of brief half way through because I could find any packaging that linked with the theme and couldn't think of any ideas of how I could create packaging linking with the theme. However after looking at a lot more packaging design, I then though of ideas which I could develop further and I am really happy with muy developed idea that I have now of luxury fruit packaging.

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