Wednesday 30 January 2013


1. Write an explanation of your brief - what did you have to do? How did you come up with the ideas for your personal project? 

My Brief was to create a professional looking culture magazine that consisted of a front cover, double page illustration article, double page feature spread, double page photography article and a back page advert. I had to take inspiration from different artist and magazine layouts. I came up with my ideas by analysing different magazine layouts and then creating Mind Maps and Mood Boards to develop my ideas. 

2. Write about the creative 'journey' of the project - how did the project and ideas evolve from start to finish through experimentation and research?

I first started of analysing different illustration artist such as Matthew Midgley and Georgina Luck and then creating my own style of hand made illustrations:  

I then also looked at different photographers such as Andrea Bricco who used illustrations in her photography and also Hennrik Bonnevier who focused on different composition and colours in his photography. Me and a group then had a photoshoot to take different photographs for our magazine using different techniques that Andrea Bricco and Hennrik Bonnevier use in their work:

I then also looked at different magazine adverts, layouts and artists such as a Ben & Jerry's advert and a double page layout by David Carson. I then created Mind Maps and Mood Boards for inspiration and ideas for my magazine layouts. I then started to experiment with different layouts on photoshop and illustrator and develop my ideas.   
Once I had create all my magazine articles and my back advert I then finally started to experiment with different names for my magazine logo. Once I had thought of the name 'Style' I then started to work on development for my logo. I first started of sketching my logo and then scanned it in to photoshop and illustrator and experimented with different techniques that I had learnt from the typography project. I then used a photograph of my friend that I took and use him as a model to go on my front cover. Even though my front cover was simple I was really pleased with it.

3. Who inspired your final outcomes? - You MUST talk about who has inspired your work - include images and links where possible. 

For my illustration layout georgina luck inspired me when I was creating my layout as I created the layout in the style of her work and tried to use different techniques that she uses in her work and incorporated them into my layout. For feature spread layout I didn't have any artist that inspired me when creating it. I got my inspiration for my feature spread layout from my mood board that I created I also got the inspiration for the night theme from the footasylum website and also a magazine that I got from their shop. For my Back page advert I was looking at different photoshop effect tutorials on youtube and this one inspired me to use the motion blur and cloud effect only advert:

4. What do you think you have done well? What has worked? Are you happy with your final outcomes?

I was really pleased the whole of my magazine. I especially pleased with my feature spread, front cover and back advert. For these three parts of the magazine I had to use my own photographs and also experiment in creating my own fonts using my techniques from the typography project. I was really pleased because I successfully managed to use all my own photographs and also created my own font for my feature spread title.   

5. What do you think you could have improved in your final outcome? - you need to talk about something, nobody is perfect!

I feel that I could of improved by experimenting more with different layouts as I stuck to quite simple positioning's of text and images.

6. Conclusion - overall how did you find the project? What techniques would you like to develop further in the future?

I enjoyed the project a lot as It was more computer based so I was able to develop my skills more in photoshop and illustrator.

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