Tuesday 30 July 2013

Exhibition: What's the point in buying a cat when you just have to watch it die?

What's the point in buying a cat when you just have to watch it die? was an exhibition shown in the Coningsby gallery for 6 days from the 1st July 2013 - 6th July 2013. The exhibition was a solo exhibition showing the work of the 'Hubba welcome'. Hubba welcome is a group of contemporary artist from East London formed by Chris Mundy and Greg Lockhart. There work is inspired by online culture and theme there work around social media, loneliness, isolation and death.

Hubba welcome was formed in 2009 by an award winning commercial illustrator Greg Lockhart and by Chris Mundy who is an art director at the M&C Saatchi group. They had worked together for around ten years before forming this art collective and since 2009 have contributed to various group shows around East London such as: The Season Ticket, The Old Shoreditch Station, The Hackney Long White Cloud and High Roller Society and Clerkenwell Design Week. This Exhibtion at the coningsby gallery was there first solo exhibition and Greg Lockhart said "We've set about creating a show that feels like walking through a physical version of an internet blog". When Visiting this exhibition I saw how they they really wanted to push this feeling and really I loved the composition of all the work in the small gallery. Even though the gallery was quite small you could see how they really thought about the arrangement of the pieces of artwork just like an artist would think about their own blog/ website which Greg and Chris are trying to show. When walking in to the gallery I also really liked the brightness of the rooms and the bold colours that were jumping out at me from the work.

This was one of my favourite pieces of work from the gallery because of how bright, colourful and bold the colours were that they used and really liked how even though it was a small piece I really liked how the bright light shined down from above. When walking into the gallery the is one of the first pieces you can see and when first looking at this piece I first started to look at how they had created these sort of homemade spray cans out of these drink cans because I would love to try and create these because I love how they are really urban, creative and quirky.   

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