Friday 2 August 2013

Exhibition: V&A Illustrations Awards 2013

I went to the V&A Museum to try and see three different exhibitions over the summer but unfortunately only ended up going to one at the V&A. David bowie was one that I was looking forward to gong to but when getting to the V&A Museum and even turning up nice and early, the line for tickets was massive so instead I chose to go to the Illustrations award so that I had enough time during the day to be able to go to other exhibitions I wanted to go to in London. Also 'Memory Place was also one of the other exhibitions but however that to did have a big queue and I also found out that you could not take pictures inside which was a big disappointment. Even though I wasn't able to go to all three I really liked the illustrations award and also went into room 76 which was next to the illustrations award which was showing 20th Century design since 1945. This exhibition room intrigued me because I wanted to look at some of the vinyl covers which were on display and thought it might give me some inspiration for when designing my cd cover.

The V&A Illustration Awards celebrate the best illustration published over the last year. Original artwork from the best illustrated book, book cover, editorial illustration and student illustrator of the year are recognised. The Awards have been going since 1972 to celebrate the best in book and magazine illustration. Each year, a panel of guest judges have the difficult job of selecting the winners from the massive amount of entries uploaded to the Awards pages on the V&A website. All of these entries are kept and will gradually build up to form an online archive of contemporary illustration. This year the judges were artist and designer Lady Dyson, lighting designer Patrick Woodroffe, artist Lucy Woodroffe, editor of Stylist magazine Lisa Smosarski, and V&A Director of Design Moira Gemmill. Judging the student entries were artist, illustrator, designer Matthew Richardson, who has won the Awards himself on two occasions, and designer and lecturer Peter Nencini. Every year the Illustrations Awards are getting more and more recognisable and more and more people are entering and submitting there work on the V&A website. This year (2013) over 1,000 artists submitted their work and you can see all entries on the V&A website: - all entries

The winners were announced on the 3rd of june at the V&A awards ceremony. The winner of each category received £2,000, with the overall winner (Butler) receiving an additional £2,000 for the top prize. The Student Runner-up also received a prize of £1,000. The V&A Illustration Awards are supported by the Enid Linder Foundation and a display of the winning illustrations can be seen in Gallery 74 from 4 June - 1 December 2013

The Winners: 

Book cover 

Book Illustration

Student Illustration   

Student runner up 

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